Ramblings in space and time


I am writing this blog to stay connected to my patients, family, and friends while away for six months on a Fulbright Scholarship.  I will be based at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health a part of the University of Exeter Medical School located in Truro, Cornwall, UK.

Join me for an adventurer’s musings on life and how deeply we are created by the places we inhabit.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Kathleen McNeely

    Thank you so much for including me in your adventures if only vicariously! It’ll be wonderful to have something to look forward to while I recover!

  2. Patricia Bernardi

    Had not visited your site until today and am very impressed by your trip so far…from the beautiful countryside to the quaint gingerbread features at the bus stop and stunning architecture in the ancient castle you are living in. Can’t wait to see and hear more. So glad you are having such a wonderful adventure!

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